How you can get involved

How you can get involved

Thanks for your interest in connecting with the Startup Recipes team at Innovation Works. We're always interested in ideas for improving the site and seeing it adopted more broadly.

Using Startup Recipes in your program

The Recipes themselves are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, so you are free to use them in your class, accelerator, VC firm, interest group, or any other program as long as you provide credit to Innovation Works and include the license information. If you change the material, your changes must be licensed under the same terms. Questions? Let us know.

I found a typo or mistake

Definitely contact us and mention where you found it!

I'd like to help with writing new recipes

Great! If you have experience as an early-stage founder you certainly have valuable experience to share. Reach out and we can find ways for you to help other founders.

I have a different question, or just want to say thanks

Let's chat! Fill out the feedback form below and a member of our team will contact you.

Contact us
